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The press conference on State-owned enterprise reform and development sent three clear signals 2019-03-14

At 15:00 on March 9, the second meeting of the 13th National People's Congress invited Xiao Yaqing, director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Weng Jiemin, deputy director of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Secretary General of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and spokesman Peng Huagang to hold a press conference on the theme of "Reform and development of State-owned enterprises" at the Media news Center。

This press conference has attracted wide attention and received high praise。There is a saying that "laymen watch the crowd, insiders watch the door", in order to understand the meaning of this press conference, "State assets Report" interviewed a number of experts。They mentioned that the press conference sent three clear signals。


Signal one

It shows that the three potential potentials of the economy are bearing great development opportunities

Xiao Yaqing mentioned at the meeting that from the figures, the potential of the Chinese market is great, the potential of the Chinese economy is great, and the potential for the development of central enterprises and state-owned enterprises is also great。

对此,State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council research center researcher Hu Chi believes,This speech is an accurate expression of the development of China's economy and state-owned enterprises in recent years,It is also an appropriate expectation for the future development of China's economy and state-owned enterprises, especially central enterprises,It has enhanced the confidence of state-owned enterprises to achieve high-quality development in 2019。

State-owned enterprises have always played a leading and leading role in our economy。The development of state-owned enterprises is closely related to macroeconomic growth。Macroeconomic "steady progress" not only reflects the steady development of state-owned enterprises, but also provides a good supporting environment for the sustainable development of state-owned enterprises。

Hu Chi said that from a macroeconomic point of view, in recent years, under the increasingly complex and severe domestic and international situation, China's economy has followed the new development concept, taken the supply-side structural reform as the main line, achieved high-quality development, and economic operation has been maintained in a reasonable range。In 2018, GDP grew by 6.The total amount exceeded 90 trillion yuan, reaching a new level。Comprehensively analyzing the stage of China's economic growth and various environmental factors at home and abroad, we can see that China's development is still in an important period of strategic opportunities, and the good macroeconomic fundamentals have consolidated the foundation of future economic development and enhanced the resilience of development。With the continuous deepening of supply-side structural reform, the economic structure continues to optimize。

From the perspective of consumption potential, the contribution rate of final consumption expenditure to economic growth in 2018 was 76 percent.At 2%, the basic role of consumption was further strengthened。China is about to achieve a well-off society in an all-round way and has become the world's fastest growing and most promising consumer market。The annual contribution rate of China's final consumption to world consumption growth has always been the highest in the world。

From the perspective of investment potential, China's investment rate in recent years is still at a relatively high level among the world's major economies, and from the perspective of per capita investment scale, China's current level is not high, lower than the level of the developed economies of the United States, South Korea, Japan and Germany in the same period, and there is still a lot of room for investment growth。The investment structure also continued to improve, and the growth rate of private investment and manufacturing investment in 2018 respectively accelerated from the previous year.7和4.7 percentage points, equipment manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing investment continued to maintain double-digit growth。All these positive factors show that there is still huge potential and space for future economic development。

Lu Yongzhen, deputy director of the Research center of SASAC, said that after entering the new normal of the economy, the depth and breadth of the reform of state-owned enterprises are far more than in the previous period, and the system, integrity and synergy are continuously enhanced, and the supporting role of the dividend released on the development of state-owned enterprises is significantly increased。党的十九大以来,在以习近平同志为核心的党中央坚强领导下,国有企业改革发展又取得了新的进展与明显成效。

Lu Yongzhen said that taking the operating performance of central enterprises as an example, the operating income and profit of central enterprises in 2018 reached a record high, and the profit margin of 100 yuan and sales profit margin increased compared with the same period in 2017。

"This good development trend has been continued this year," Lu Yongzhen said, and the operating data of central enterprises in January-February 2019 disclosed by Xiao Yaqing at the press conference confirmed this, such as a year-on-year increase in operating income of 3.9%, profit growth of 15%.3%, refined oil sales increased by 9%.Natural gas sales increased by 7%.4%等。

Lu Yongzhen said that looking to the future, the long-term macroeconomic fundamentals are good, and the continuous release of the reform dividends of state-owned enterprises provides huge room for growth for the reform and development of state-owned enterprises。"Therefore, there is solid support for state-owned enterprises to continue to maintain a good situation, and central enterprises and state-owned enterprises have great upward potential.。”

Signal two

It shows that the status of independent market entities of state-owned enterprises is cleaned up and standardized all kinds of subsidies in order to better fair competition

In response to foreign media's questions on state-owned enterprise subsidies, Xiao Yaqing said that, like other ownership enterprises, state-owned enterprises are independent market players and continue to develop and grow in market competition。The State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission has sorted out the central enterprises, and China's laws and regulations do not specifically provide subsidies for state-owned enterprises, and central enterprises do not have subsidies based on ownership, that is to say, there is no subsidy for state-owned enterprises and central enterprises, but not for other enterprises。

Xiao Yaqing also revealed that at present, the state and relevant departments are cleaning up and regulating all kinds of subsidies, which will help create a fair competition environment for all kinds of enterprises of different ownership and different sizes, and help improve the competitiveness of enterprises。

对此,Zhou Lisa, an associate researcher at the SASAC Research Center, said,40 years of reform and opening up,State-owned enterprises in accordance with the requirements of the modern enterprise system,We will actively promote corporate restructuring,Establish a corporate governance structure composed of shareholders' (big) meeting, board of directors, board of supervisors and management,A corporate governance mechanism with coordinated operation and effective checks and balances has been formed,Enterprises participate in market competition independently。

Zhou Lisa also mentioned that the current state-owned assets supervision is accelerating the change from the management of enterprises to the management of capital。"The basic goal of capital management is to further adhere to the principle of independent operation, self-responsibility for profits and losses, self-risk, self-restraint, and self-development of state-owned enterprises, further promote the market-oriented operation of state-owned enterprises, and consolidate and strengthen the independent position of state-owned enterprises as market subjects.。”

At the same time, Zhou Lisa believes that in recent years, governments at all levels are deepening the reform of "decentralization service" and transforming government functions, which will be conducive to creating a fair competition environment and conditions for enterprises of different ownership and different sizes, and improve the competitiveness of various enterprises。State-owned enterprises have equal access to production factors in accordance with the law and participate in market competition in an open and fair manner。

Subsidies for state-owned enterprises,Zhang Lianqi, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPPCC National Committee and vice president of the China Taxation Society, said in an interview with a reporter from the State Assets Report,China's financial subsidies are issued according to the industrial policy of each industry,Typical such as new energy, photovoltaic,As well as some high-tech industries, some key national projects and so on。"There has never been a clear rule that only state-owned enterprises can receive financial subsidies。”

Wang Jianxin, a researcher and doctoral supervisor at the Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences, also said, "China does not exist financial subsidies for ownership.。The current financial subsidy procedures are fair and unified, and after the project declaration, state-owned enterprises, private enterprises and even foreign enterprises are treated equally。”

"Some large and strong private companies also get a lot of subsidies。Wang Jianxin revealed that when he took up the post of deputy director of the Department of Finance in Yunnan, he was in charge of related work such as subsidies, and some large private enterprises got a lot of financial subsidies。

Zhang Lianqi said that financial subsidies have their necessity, all countries have, but the name is different, the form is different。Its purpose is to solve the market's ineffective behavior and lag。

For how to further clean up and standardize the problem of financial subsidies, Wang Jianxin suggested that on the one hand, the future should further enhance the openness and transparency of financial subsidies, increase the publicity of related work, so that all sectors of society can better understand this work。

"On the other hand, in the future, paid forms such as funds should be used more to replace unpaid financial subsidies.。Wang Jianxin revealed that over the years, the amount of free financial subsidies has been significantly reduced, and more help for the industry has been transformed into paid fund investment。

Zhang Lianqi believes that in the future, more special subsidies should be gradually converted into inclusive tax cuts and fee reductions。"This can benefit all enterprises, equal treatment, internal and external integration, more in line with the principle of competitive neutrality.。”

Signal three

It reveals that the specific and clear reform measures on the reform and development path of state-owned assets and soes in 2019 will effectively promote the implementation

In response to reporters' questions, Xiao Yaqing revealed the work ideas and a series of deployments of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in 2019, that is, SASAC and state-owned enterprises at all levels will take supply-side structural reform as the main line, resolutely implement the eight-character policy of "consolidation, enhancement, promotion and smooth", and solidly promote various work at the target。

In this regard, Du Tianjia, a researcher at the SASAC Research Center, further interpreted it。She believes that the work of SASAC in 2019 of "one to ensure and six to strengthen" can be summarized by "consolidating a base line and playing three major positional wars"。

Du Tianjia said that to achieve "one guarantee", we must consolidate a baseline。The so-called baseline is the basic goal that the reform must achieve in 2019。"One guarantee" is to ensure the completion of the annual targets and tasks set, to ensure the steady growth of benefits, and to ensure the continuous improvement of the quality of development。

Du Tianjia said that to achieve "six strengthening", we must fight three major positional wars。The so-called positional warfare is the key area to be broken through in the reform and development of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises in 2019。

First position,It is the front of state-owned enterprise reform,The key is to do the following "two strengthening" : First, strengthen the implementation of reform,By promoting mixed ownership reform and equity diversification,Establish and standardize the board of directors and implement its functions and powers,We will promote the tenure system and contractual management of managers,Strengthen positive incentives and other reform measures,Continuously enhance the development vitality and development of enterprises。The second is to strengthen management improvement, promote enterprises to follow market-oriented rules, use quantitative indicators to determine the pursuit of goals for five to ten global advanced enterprises in the field of specimens, through comparison, learn from each other, achieve the situation of "comparison, learning, catching up and exceeding", and promote the central enterprises to strive to move forward to the world-class level。

Second position,Is the state assets supervision position,The key is to do the following "two strengthening" : First, strengthen the transformation of functions,We will accelerate the transformation of state-owned assets supervision from the management of enterprises to the management of capital,By improving the list of regulatory powers and responsibilities of investors,We will delegate more powers to lower levels,We will establish and improve a mechanism for delegating and adjusting power and other reform measures,We will continuously improve the targeted, effective and systematic regulation of state-owned assets。Second, we will strengthen risk management and control,Focus on key business, key areas of reform, and important links in operation,According to changes in international and domestic social and economic conditions,Do sand table deduction and stress test,Highlight business loss investigation and accountability for violations,We will further strengthen supervision over overseas enterprises,Hold the bottom line of no major risks。

Third position,It is a position for innovative development,The key is to do the following "two strengthening" : First, strengthen independent innovation,We will continue to increase investment in scientific and technological innovation,In particular, the independent innovation of key core technologies,We will accelerate the upgrading of the manufacturing industry,We will vigorously develop forward-looking strategic industries,We will deepen the integration of advanced manufacturing and modern service industries,Build manufacturing enterprises as the core,An integrated economic development cluster supported by technology chain, supply chain and value chain enterprises。Second, we will strengthen our main industries,We will deepen supply-side structural reform,We will accelerate the liquidation of industries with overcapacity, such as steel, coal and coal power,We will vigorously promote the integration of enterprise resources in industries with overcapacity,We will improve the asset-liability restraint mechanism for state-owned enterprises,We will actively yet prudently carry out strategic restructuring in equipment manufacturing, shipbuilding, and the chemical industry,We will continue to promote the professional integration of new energy vehicles, electric power, nonferrous metals, steel, offshore equipment, environmental protection and other fields,Stronger do excellent do fine industry main business,We will continue to improve the quality and efficiency of state-owned economic development。

The year 2019 marks the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China and is a crucial year for completing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and achieving the first centenary Goal。Sasac and central enterprises should closely focus on promoting high-quality development, seize all favorable conditions, mobilize all positive factors, practice internal skills, take the initiative to meet difficulties, and constantly push forward the reform and development of state-owned assets and state-owned enterprises, and celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China with outstanding achievements。

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